Can Betta Fish Live with Guppies?

Do you own a betta fish? If so, can you keep it with guppies? Many people have been asking this question and the answer is not as straightforward as you might think.

In this blog post, we will discuss whether or not your betta fish can live with guppies. We will cover all of the pros and cons to help give a better idea if they are compatible for living together.

Can Betta Fish Live with Guppies?

Yes, guppies and betta fish can coexist in the same tank. However, the tank should be large and comfortable enough for both fish if you want them to thrive in the same environment.

Although you are keeping two fish together, their specific needs should be met. This means more work and maintenance to make sure no mistakes are made, such as giving the guppy food to your betta.

It’s also advisable to include multiple guppies in your betta tank, instead of just one. This will reduce the chance of the betta becoming aggressive and stressed.

The Gender Of Your Betta & Guppies

One of the most important things to consider when deciding if guppies and betta fish can live together is the gender of each fish. If you have a male betta, it is best to be careful when introducing guppies into the tank as they will likely be harassed.

Female bettas are generally calmer and can live harmoniously with guppies. As such, they can be a good choice if you want your betta to coexist with other fish.

How Many Guppies Can I Keep With My Betta?

I recommend 3-5 guppies for each betta you have in your tank. The key factor is the size of the tank you have. A larger tank will be able to accommodate more fish and help prevent overcrowding.

It’s a bad idea to keep one guppy with one betta. This is because the guppy will become a target for the betta and may end up being attacked on a frequent basis.

Also, be careful with keeping two male bettas together with guppies! Male bettas are more aggressive than female bettas when it comes to tank mates.

How many guppies can I put in a 5-gallon tank with a betta?

I wouldn’t use a 5-gallon tank to house a betta and guppies. 5-gallons is simply too small. A larger tank will be needed to provide enough space for both fish.

How many guppies can I put in a 10-gallon tank with a betta?

I recommend 2-3 guppies and 1 betta if you have a 10-gallon tank. This will give your fish plenty of space to swim around and enjoy themselves. To make this tank even better, you can also add some plants or other decorations that will help break up the line of sight between them!

How many guppies can I put in a 20-gallon tank with a betta?

I recommend 3-5 guppies and 1 betta if you own a 20-gallon tank. The larger space will be more comfortable for both fish, which can make your betta feel much less threatened by the guppies’ presence.

Will Betta Fish Eat Baby Guppies?

Yes, if the baby guppies are the size of fry, then betta fish will eat them. This is why it is important to introduce guppies into the tank when they are larger so that the betta does not see them as an easy meal.

Also, make sure your betta is well-fed so that it is not tempted to eat the guppies. If you are consistent with providing quality food and a healthy diet, your betta will be less likely to snack on anything else.

If you’re breeding your guppies, it’s advisable to use a separate tank to house the baby guppies. This will help protect them from being eaten by the betta fish.

My Guppies Are Eating My Bettas Food

One thing to be careful of when keeping guppies and betta fish together is that the guppies may eat the food meant for the betta. To prevent this from happening, it is important to feed your betta at different times than you are feeding the guppies. This will ensure that both fish are getting the food they need without having to compete for it.

Caring for Guppies and Bettas at the Same Time

As mentioned above, it is important to take care of the specific needs of both your betta and guppies.

Lighting – Both fish prefer dim lighting. As such, avoid putting your tank in a bright spot, like in the window.

pH Level – The pH level of the water should be between neutral and slightly acidic for both fish. You can use a test kit to check the pH levels or ask your pet store for a recommendation on how to adjust it. Aim for a pH level of 7.

Temperature – The temperature of the water should be around 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit for both fish.

Entertainment – Both fish are active and enjoy being around plants. As such, you should include live plants in your tank to provide them with the best environment possible.

Can Bettas Eat Guppies Food?

Betta fish are carnivorous, whereas guppies are omnivores. As such, bettas have a different diet than guppy fish and will not be able to eat the same diet that is given to your guppies.

You can feed both fish with live food or frozen food. However, it is important to make sure that the betta’s diet consists of mostly high-protein betta pellets and not just scraps of live food.

How Do I Introduce My Betta to Guppies?

It is best to introduce guppies and betta fish gradually. This will make the transition smoother for all of your fish, as well as help to prevent any fighting from happening between them.

You should start by introducing a smaller number of guppies into the tank at first so that they can get used to their environment without too much stress. The same goes for the betta fish, as you do not want to introduce too many new faces at once.

After about a week of allowing your guppies and betta to get used to each other’s company, it is time to increase their numbers slowly until they are all living together harmoniously.

The importance of a quarantine tank – If you are adding new fish to the tank, then it is best to keep them in a separate quarantine tank while they get used to their surroundings and wait for any illnesses to subside.

This will prevent your betta from catching any illness or disease that is coming from the new fish. The last thing you want is for your betta to get sick from other fish in the tank, so being preventative is key.

What Tank Do I Keep Guppies and Bettas In?

It is important to keep the guppies and betta fish in a tank that is big enough for both of them. The minimum size you should have depends on how many fish are present, as well as their individual needs.

In general, it’s best to give your fish tank size of at least 20 gallons. This will give them plenty of space to swim around and not feel cramped.

If you are looking for a tank that can house both guppies and betta fish together, then consider an aquarium with a divided tank or two tanks connected by a bridge. This way, the fish can have their own territory without having to compete for space.

What Else Should I Consider?

When keeping guppies and betta fish together, it is important to keep in mind that the tank will need more frequent cleaning. Both fish produce a lot of waste, so you will need to clean the tank every week or two to avoid any build-up.

You will also need to pay more attention to the health of your fish. Because you have more than one type of fish in a relatively small space, it is possible that they will start to fight with each other over territory and food.

As such, if there are any signs of trouble like redness or fin-biting, then make sure to take immediate action by removing them from the tank. This will help to avoid the problem from escalating and make sure that all of your fish are happy in their environment.


In conclusion, it is possible to keep guppies and betta fish together in a tank, as long as you follow the proper steps. First, make sure that your aquarium is large enough for both of them by giving it at least 20 gallons of space.

Next, gradually introduce both types of fish into the same environment so that they can get used to each other. Be sure to keep an eye on them for any signs of fighting so that you can step in if necessary.

Cleaning the tank more often and paying attention to the health of your fish is also important when keeping these two types of fish together. By following these tips, you can help create a harmonious environment for both guppies and betta fish in your aquarium.

I hope you have found this information helpful! If you have any additional questions, please feel free to drop me a message.